The Unique Professional Concept of Piccoline in Denmark: A Win-Win for Companies and Young Professionals

In Denmark, there is a unique professional concept known as piccoline. Typically, a piccoline is a young person who has finished high school and works for a company for a year before continuing their studies. The job’s primary focus is to help with different practical tasks whilst giving a young person a year to experience the professional work environment in an office.

At Kuba Denmark, we have been taking a new piccoline annually for many years, significantly benefiting the company. One of the advantages is that they take care of smaller tasks that might otherwise take time and resources from more experienced employees. Our piccolines have had  a fresh, enthusiastic approach to work, which we have found helps create a positive and committed atmosphere in the workplace. 

Many piccolines are students seeking practical experience in their chosen field, and it is an excellent way for them to start building a professional network. If a company offers good experiences and opportunities for development, it can attract and retain talented young employees.

At Kuba Denmark, the piccoline’s job is divided into two parts. During a typical workday, they do the day-to-day practical tasks such as making sure the office looks presentable, setting up the lunch and ordering groceries for the office. The other part of the job is with the finance department. They help Kuba Denmark’s two regular accountants/bookkeepers with accounting tasks. This consists of keeping track of some expenses, sending out invoices to customers, and preparing invoices so the bookkeeper/accountant can pay them.

Interview with a former piccoline, Mira Rosen Sørensen.

Photo of Mira, standing in a forest.

Why did you choose Kuba for your piccoline placement?

During my second gap year, I wanted to work at an office in a piccoline capacity as it would be a great insight into the day-to-day of a professional environment. I specifically chose the job at Kuba because the job entailed a large variety of tasks – such as administrative, financial and practical office management tasks. 

How did being a piccoline at Kuba benefit you for your future?

Working at Kuba as a piccoline for a year allowed me to move to roles with additional responsibility: for Softpay (whose team I met because they shared the office with Kuba); and later back at Kuba, as a student helper in the marketing department.

Furthermore, my role as a piccoline allowed me to hone my organising and management skills, which I continue to use both in my studies and at my current job.

“I was interested in becoming a piccoline because it is a great insight into the type of professional environment that I might end up working in later in life, and I get a good idea of how an office like Kuba functions in practice.” Mira Rosen Sørensen

What was the best part of your time at Kuba?

The best part of working at Kuba was the possibility to expand my role as a piccoline and regularly take on additional tasks so I could continue to learn more about the management and running of a company, specifically the finance department.

What have you done since you finished at Kuba, i.e. employment/education?

After finishing my role of piccoline at Kuba, I started studying Sociology at the University of Copenhagen. At the same time, Softpay offered me a job as a project employee to manage the move to their new office. 

Afterwards, I returned to Kuba as a student helper in their marketing department, assisting with bid management and ad hoc marketing assignments.

Since finishing my job at Kuba, I have moved on to a role as a student helper/research assistant at Copenhagen Business School. Here, I assist in a research project studying academic careers within the social sciences.


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